Mali, Reportage, Travel Mali, Reportage, Travel

Bozo in Mali - Masters of the River

One centimeter at a time.The boat is grounded in the middle of the Niger River. Its 50 occupants are either sleeping or watching two men in chest-deep water pry the boat with bamboo sticks. It’s moving slowly, but it’s getting there. One of them has scouted a deeper course, and now they’re pushing the boat filled with rice and travelers on the right path.This tedious ballet can take up to an hour, and repeat itself every 10 minutes. But Bozo are used to this in March, when the Niger is at its lowest. The Bozo people are a semi-nomadic tribe living along the banks of the Niger River in Mali. Fishermen for centuries, they are considered the “Masters of the River” and operate most of its vessels.Even though they are Muslims, most Bozo do not wear djellabas, or any other sign of their religion. A December 2012 coup d’etat opened the way for jihadi-backed rebel groups to overrun northern cities and impose Sharia. The Islamic takeover triggered an intervention from France, which quickly liberated the cities. When the French left, however, the Malian army remained and lashed out against even moderate Muslims, killing several of them.Mopti port, where we embarked, was founded by Bozo people and is known as “Venice of the desert.” We are headed for Timbuktu.On this boat, like on any other, women and children are packed at the back, between the motor and a huge pot of rice and boiled chicken. It has been feeding us since we left Mopti. Travelers use these boats because it’s the cheapest way to travel. Some of them had left Timbuktu after the rebel invasion and are now returning home.As we float along, the Niger River becomes deeper and we start passing smaller fishing vessels. That doesn’t speed up the trip. We come upon a sunken ferry, like ours but less lucky. Our crew stops to help recover what can be saved.After four days and nights sitting on rice bags, we reach the banks of Timbuktu. It’s time to unload, one bag at a time.  
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Mali, Reportage, Travel Mali, Reportage, Travel

Mali, Fleuve Niger - De Mopti à Tombouctou

L'ethnie Bozo est un peuple semi-nomade Mandingue vivant principalement au Mali et au Niger, le long du fleuve Niger et de son affluent le Bani. Avant tout pêcheurs, ils sont considérés comme « les maîtres du fleuve ». Ce sont eux qui opèrent une grande partie des pirogues ou pinasses au Mali.La remontée du fleuve Niger entre Mopti et Tombouctou sur une pirogue collective prend 3 jours et 3 nuits au mois de mars. Le niveau du fleuve Niger est bas et la pirogue s'ensable fréquemment. Pour la désensabler, les opérateurs de la pirogue descendent du bateau et sondent le fond avec de grands batons, cela peut prendre des heures.Sur ce trajet comme certainement sur beaucoup d'autres, femmes et enfants sont installés à l'arrière près du moteur. Les hommes eux sont positionnés à l'avant de la pirogue, plus confortable.Les pirogues sont utilisées comme transports publics par les populations vivant dans des villages au bord du fleuve, où les bus publics ne se rendent pas. Elles sont également chargées à ras bord de sacs de mil ou de riz. Les transporteurs rentabilisent ainsi au maximum chaque déplacement.Accédez à toutes les photos à cette adresse : cliquez ici.

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